Results found for state taxes | Eastern North Carolina Now

163 Results found for state taxes

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The North Carolina General Assembly seems poised to pass a budget for the 2015-17 biennium that spends some $22 billion a year on General Fund programs, appropriates more than $50 billion a year when all other funds are included, and makes hundreds of millions of dollars in changes to state taxes
The North Carolina General Assembly seems poised to pass a budget for the 2015-17 biennium that spends some $22 billion a year on General Fund programs, appropriates more than $50 billion a year when all other funds are included, and makes hundreds of millions of dollars in changes to state taxes
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
The Common Core Standards is a private and federal initiative to reform public education into one that spits out workers, not thinkers
This past week I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at Americans for Prosperity's annual event, the Defending the American Dream Summit. I spoke about Washington's power grab and how the growth of federal agencies is threatening our laboratories of democracy. Many of us know that...
This past week I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at Americans for Prosperity's annual event, the Defending the American Dream Summit. I spoke about Washington's power grab and how the growth of federal agencies is threatening our laboratories of democracy. Many of us know that...
As the House and Senate negotiate the details of a new state budget, one of their biggest disagreements will be about taxes.
As the House and Senate negotiate the details of a new state budget, one of their biggest disagreements will be about taxes.
Republican state senators want to make North Carolina's income tax system more progressive.
Republican state senators want to make North Carolina's income tax system more progressive.
For years now, legislators, policy analysts, medical providers, and lobbyists for various interest groups have been arguing about North Carolina's Medicaid program. Whether you find this argument interesting, confusing, or boring, I have some news for you: it's far from over.
For years now, legislators, policy analysts, medical providers, and lobbyists for various interest groups have been arguing about North Carolina's Medicaid program. Whether you find this argument interesting, confusing, or boring, I have some news for you: it's far from over.
Because of tough decisions made by the General Assembly and Gov. Pat McCrory, North Carolina's payroll tax is expected to drop by about $280 million in 2016 and as much as $550 million by 2017. What you think about this sequence of events says a lot about your political philosophy and your...
Because of tough decisions made by the General Assembly and Gov. Pat McCrory, North Carolina's payroll tax is expected to drop by about $280 million in 2016 and as much as $550 million by 2017. What you think about this sequence of events says a lot about your political philosophy and your...
Governor Pat McCrory announced today that North Carolina tourism generated record visitor spending in 2014 with a total of $21.3 billion, a 5.4 percent increase over 2013. Additionally, tourism industry supported employment topped 200,000 jobs for the first time.
Governor Pat McCrory announced today that North Carolina tourism generated record visitor spending in 2014 with a total of $21.3 billion, a 5.4 percent increase over 2013. Additionally, tourism industry supported employment topped 200,000 jobs for the first time.
I never thought I’d see the Democrat Party actually be able to get to the right of Republicans on taxes.
Senate Republicans are pushing bills to reduce the state corporate income tax rate from 5 percent this year to 3 percent in 2017, and restructure the manner in which corporate taxes are calculated. The intent behind the legislation is to make the state more business-friendly and better able to...
Senate Republicans are pushing bills to reduce the state corporate income tax rate from 5 percent this year to 3 percent in 2017, and restructure the manner in which corporate taxes are calculated. The intent behind the legislation is to make the state more business-friendly and better able to...
This kind of thing happens a lot at the local level. Your county commissioners will claim they are holding the line on the property tax rate.
This kind of thing happens a lot at the local level. Your county commissioners will claim they are holding the line on the property tax rate.
If North Carolina's tax burden has no effect on business decisions and the performance of the economy, as left-of-center politicians and editorialists have repeatedly insisted, then why are they so enamored with targeted tax breaks?
If North Carolina's tax burden has no effect on business decisions and the performance of the economy, as left-of-center politicians and editorialists have repeatedly insisted, then why are they so enamored with targeted tax breaks?
Politicians love to use their power to dole out favors and privileges to politically-connected special interests. They also love to interfere with the economy, attempting to impose their preferences upon investors and consumers through a hodgepodge of taxpayer handouts and targeted tax breaks.
Politicians love to use their power to dole out favors and privileges to politically-connected special interests. They also love to interfere with the economy, attempting to impose their preferences upon investors and consumers through a hodgepodge of taxpayer handouts and targeted tax breaks.
New Bern may be best known as the birthplace of Pepsi Co., the world's third largest food and beverage company. But it is also home to one of North Carolina's most financially unstable tourist attractions — Tryon Palace — and the neighboring North Carolina History Center.
New Bern may be best known as the birthplace of Pepsi Co., the world's third largest food and beverage company. But it is also home to one of North Carolina's most financially unstable tourist attractions — Tryon Palace — and the neighboring North Carolina History Center.
Governors make lots of decisions. They propose budgets. They hire Cabinet secretaries and other key state officials. They appoint members to governing boards and licensing agencies. They sign or veto bills. They offer or withhold clemency to criminals.
Governors make lots of decisions. They propose budgets. They hire Cabinet secretaries and other key state officials. They appoint members to governing boards and licensing agencies. They sign or veto bills. They offer or withhold clemency to criminals.
Taxes are the primary source of income for the state of North Carolina. While many of us focus on the larger taxes, such as personal income, we must remember there are multiple sources of tax income the state uses to fund its daily functions.
Taxes are the primary source of income for the state of North Carolina. While many of us focus on the larger taxes, such as personal income, we must remember there are multiple sources of tax income the state uses to fund its daily functions.
Former Person County Commissioner Larry Yarborough is a small business owner highlighting the need for jobs in his bid to win a seat as a Republican candidate in heavily Democratic House District 2.
Former Person County Commissioner Larry Yarborough is a small business owner highlighting the need for jobs in his bid to win a seat as a Republican candidate in heavily Democratic House District 2.
Except when complaining that North Carolina isn't giving enough targeted tax incentives to Hollywood studios, solar-panel manufacturers, and commercial real-estate developers, liberals contend that cutting taxes on business has no effect on business starts, corporate relocation, or job creation.
Except when complaining that North Carolina isn't giving enough targeted tax incentives to Hollywood studios, solar-panel manufacturers, and commercial real-estate developers, liberals contend that cutting taxes on business has no effect on business starts, corporate relocation, or job creation.
Kay Hagan's campaign and its trolls are all over social media trumpeting a report published in the Greensboro News & Record that says North Carolina "ranks as worst state for teachers."
Kay Hagan's campaign and its trolls are all over social media trumpeting a report published in the Greensboro News & Record that says North Carolina "ranks as worst state for teachers."
When governors and state legislatures make their economies freer - through tax relief, regulatory relief, and labor-market reforms - who stands to benefit?
When governors and state legislatures make their economies freer - through tax relief, regulatory relief, and labor-market reforms - who stands to benefit?
If you listen to the drive-by media or the zombies and trolls following Bill Barber around, you’d think North Carolina state government was now a shoe-string operation.
If you listen to the drive-by media or the zombies and trolls following Bill Barber around, you’d think North Carolina state government was now a shoe-string operation.
North Carolina state government is spending more money per person this budget year than ever before. A new John Locke Foundation Spotlight report documents that fact, which gets lost in ongoing debates about state budget "cuts."
North Carolina state government is spending more money per person this budget year than ever before. A new John Locke Foundation Spotlight report documents that fact, which gets lost in ongoing debates about state budget "cuts."
Converting the federal portion of North Carolina's Medicaid program into an annual block grant would go a long way toward limiting Medicaid's unpredictable annual cost overruns.
Converting the federal portion of North Carolina's Medicaid program into an annual block grant would go a long way toward limiting Medicaid's unpredictable annual cost overruns.
Every once in a while we’re blessed with a lone voice of common sense, out in the wilderness, trying to inject some common sense into the nonsense that is the Raleigh political circus.
Every once in a while we’re blessed with a lone voice of common sense, out in the wilderness, trying to inject some common sense into the nonsense that is the Raleigh political circus.
Converting the federal portion of North Carolina's Medicaid program into an annual block grant would go a long way toward limiting Medicaid's unpredictable annual cost overruns.
Converting the federal portion of North Carolina's Medicaid program into an annual block grant would go a long way toward limiting Medicaid's unpredictable annual cost overruns.
When liberals debate tax policy, it can be hard to keep track of their current positions. They keep changing.
When liberals debate tax policy, it can be hard to keep track of their current positions. They keep changing.
The next time you see or hear a politician, policy analyst, activist, or journalist say that North Carolina’s unemployment rate has fallen “largely” because of workers dropping out of the labor force, ask for a definition of the term.
The next time you see or hear a politician, policy analyst, activist, or journalist say that North Carolina’s unemployment rate has fallen “largely” because of workers dropping out of the labor force, ask for a definition of the term.
State Rep. Michael Wray, a Democrat from Gaston who serves as deputy minority leader in the state House of Representatives, owes more than $100,000 in past-due federal, state, and local taxes, according to public records on file in Northampton and Halifax Counties.
State Rep. Michael Wray, a Democrat from Gaston who serves as deputy minority leader in the state House of Representatives, owes more than $100,000 in past-due federal, state, and local taxes, according to public records on file in Northampton and Halifax Counties.
Gov. Pat McCrory and the GOP-led state legislature are at odds over the budget, Medicaid reform, Common Core, and other issues.
Gov. Pat McCrory and the GOP-led state legislature are at odds over the budget, Medicaid reform, Common Core, and other issues.
Broad discretionary enforcement given to the University of North Carolina Board of Governors may explain why one of the state's five public historically black universities, has obtained advantages not enjoyed by other schools in the UNC system.
Broad discretionary enforcement given to the University of North Carolina Board of Governors may explain why one of the state's five public historically black universities, has obtained advantages not enjoyed by other schools in the UNC system.
Fiscal conservatives think government is too large, costs too much, and tries to do too much.
Fiscal conservatives think government is too large, costs too much, and tries to do too much.
Building on positive reforms from the past few years, North Carolina's elected leaders can take more steps to help boost economic growth, improve education, and fight overregulation. The John Locke Foundation's new Agenda 2014 Policy Report offers more than 110 recommendations addressing these...
Building on positive reforms from the past few years, North Carolina's elected leaders can take more steps to help boost economic growth, improve education, and fight overregulation. The John Locke Foundation's new Agenda 2014 Policy Report offers more than 110 recommendations addressing these...
In a free society, the right to express one's political views without governmental restraint or reprisal ought to be sacrosanct. Unfortunately, it isn't. Some politicians and political activists seem to believe that, because of a sense of moral superiority, they have the right not just to express...
In a free society, the right to express one's political views without governmental restraint or reprisal ought to be sacrosanct. Unfortunately, it isn't. Some politicians and political activists seem to believe that, because of a sense of moral superiority, they have the right not just to express...
Governor Pat McCrory was at the Outer Banks today to celebrate "Tourism Week" in North Carolina and to discuss the newest tourism statistics from the U.S. Travel Association.
Governor Pat McCrory was at the Outer Banks today to celebrate "Tourism Week" in North Carolina and to discuss the newest tourism statistics from the U.S. Travel Association.
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